Mining? Trust the specialists!
Mining? Trust the specialists!
Do you still think about helmet and pickaxe? Have you stayed with diy mining and all its risks? Times have changed and our advice is to rely on those who daily manage thousands of machines in the main international mining farms. Of those who have been able to create a powerful community capable of obtaining the best economic conditions. Of those who have seriously and concretely invested in high-performance and real machines. In a word, SWAG!
Our history
What does it mean to mine with SWAG?
What does it mean to mine with SWAG?
Swag mining is simple, clear and above all included in a complete system suited to the needs of each individual user. The machines made available are located in different countries carefully chosen on the basis of specific criteria: technological advancement, cost of energy, technical infrastructure, know-how, safety. Thanks to the collaboration with the major global partners in the crypto industry, there are already over 5000 Swag users who can take advantage of performing and competitive machines, with limited management costs including installation, connection to the network, 24/24 monitoring of production, maintenance ordinary and extraordinary, stowage of spare parts, supply of electricity.

We grow every day
We grow
every day
The offer is constantly growing and above all based on transparency and a turnkey service designed for the user’s needs. Swag offers the possibility to reduce rental costs by making whole machines or parts thereof available to the user. With Swag you can rent even just 1/32 of a machine, with a contract duration between 1 and 3 years, with and without guarantee, with fixed or variable draw.
The fixed production rental contract guarantees users a specific extraction month by month and for the entire duration of the contract. You can choose to rent a whole car or fractions of it up to 1/32 of a car.
The variable extraction rental contract, lasting between 1 and 3 years depending on the available lot, is particularly suitable for those who prefer a longer and potentially more performing contract. Also in this case it is also possible to rent only parts of the machine.
The innovative fixed extraction mining contract lasting 1 year but payable in installments in 12 installments. Each installment generates a portion of the machine, so after 12 months, the user can count on a total of 12 machine fractions active 24 hours a day.